Re: Consulta tema vacunacion infantil
Creo que existe la posibilidad de que la señora mencionada haya leido información conspiranoica y pseudocientifica de los activistas contra las vacunas. La vacuna contra el pailoma tiene efectos secundarios (como las otras vacunas), pero estos son leves. No existe evidencia cientifica de riesgos mayores para esta vacuna o para las otras que comunmente se aplican. Además pienso que es muy irresponsable su actitud.
Cito de varios estudios cientificos:
equivalent to placebo. The AS04 adjuvant has been used in other vaccine studies and found to be generally safe and well tolerated
both vaccine and placebo groups reported serious adverse events; none was judged related, or possibly related, to vaccination. No one died.
symptoms were transient, with the mean duration of local symptoms ranging from 2·2 to 3·4 days in both groups. The occurrence of solicited general symptoms within 7 days of vaccination was slightly higher in the vaccine group than in the control group. Fatigue, headache, and myalgia were reported more frequently in the vaccine
group than in the control group (table 6). No increase in the occurrence of solicited local and general symptoms was seen with each subsequent dose. The proportion of
women reporting new onset chronic disease, new onset autoimmune disease, and medically signifi cant conditions was much the same in both groups (table 6).
The quadrivalent HPV vaccine was evaluated for injection-site and systemic adverse events, new medical conditions reported during the follow-up period, and safety during pregnancy and lactation. Safety data on quadrivalent HPV vaccine are available from seven clinical trials and include 11,778 persons aged 9–26 years who received quadrivalent vaccine and 9,686 who received placebo. Detailed data were collected using vaccination report cards for 14 days following each injection of study vaccine on a
subset of participants aged 9–23 years. The population with detailed safety data included 5,088 females who received quadrivalent HPV vaccine and 3,790 who received placebo (Tables 7–9) (111).
Local Adverse Events
In the study population with detailed safety data, a larger proportion of persons reported injection-site adverse events in the group that received quadrivalent HPV vaccine compared with aluminum-containing or saline placebo groups (Table 7). Pain was the most common injection site adverse event, reported by 83.9% of vaccinees, 75.4% of those who received aluminum-containing placebo, and 48.6% of those who received saline placebo. Swelling and erythema were the next most common reactions in the vaccine and placebo groups. The majority of injection-site adverse experiences reported among recipients of quadrivalent HPV vaccine were mild to moderate in intensity; only 2.8%, 2.0%, and 0.9% of vaccinees reported severe pain, swelling, or erythema, respectively.
Systemic Adverse Events
Systemic clinical adverse events were reported by a similar proportion of vaccine and placebo recipients in the population with detailed safety data (Table . In both quadrivalent HPV vaccine and placebo groups, more persons reported a systemic clinical
adverse experience in the 15 days after dose 1 compared with after dose 2 and after dose 3. For the majority of persons, the maximum intensity rating of systemic clinical adverse events was mild or moderate. Overall, 4.0%–4.9% of females who received quadrivalent HPV vaccine reported a temperature of >100°F (>38°C) after dose one, two, or three (Table 9).
Serious Adverse Events in All Safety Studies
Vaccine-related serious adverse events occurred in <0.1% of persons. The proportions of persons reporting a serious adverse event were similar in the vaccine and placebo groups, as were the types of serious adverse events reported. Seven persons had
events that were determined to be possibly, probably, or definitely related to the vaccine or placebo. Five events occurred among quadrivalent HPV vaccine recipients and two among placebo recipients. The five in the quadrivalent HPV vaccine group included
bronchospasm, gastroenteritis, headache/hypertension, vaginal hemorrhage, and injection site pain/movement impairment. In the overall safety evaluation, 10 persons in the group that received quadrivalent HPV vaccine and seven persons in the placebo group died during the course of the trials. None of the deaths was considered to be vaccine related. Two deaths in the vaccine group and one death in the placebo group occurred within 15 days following vaccination. Seven deaths were attributed to motorvehicle accidents (four in vaccine group and three in placebo group), three were caused by intentional overdose (nonstudy medications) or suicide (one in vaccine group and two in placebo group), two were attributed to pulmonary embolus or deep venous thrombosis (one each in vaccine and placebo group), two were attributed to sepsis, one case each attributed to cancer and arrhythmia (in vaccine group), and one case caused by asphyxia (placebo group).
Yo creo que con eso es suficiente.