Re: La Clínica Burzynski y su falso tratamiento contra el cáncer


Andrés, me tomé la molestia de buscar algunos de los artículos que están listados en el link. Hay muchos que no parecen tener nada que ver con su terapia. Algunos son abstracts de conferencias. Osea que no son publicaciones con revisión por pares.

Patil, S., Burzynski, S.R., Mrowczynski, E., Grela, K. Phenylacetylglutamine (PG) and phenylacetate (PN) interact additively to produce detachment-induced apoptosis/anoikis in glioblastoma cells. Presented at the Society for Neuro-Oncology 12th Annual Scientific Meeting; November 15-18, 2007; Dallas, Texas.

Ese, por ejemplo, no es una publicación.

Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Szymkowski, B., Jurida, G.F. Phase II studies of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in adult patients with diffuse intrinsic brainstem gliomas. Presented at: The European Association for Neuro Oncology: 7th Congress Vienna Hofburg Congress Center; September 14-17, 2006; Vienna, Austria.

Burzynski, S.R., Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Jurida, G.F., Szymkowski, B.G., Kubove, E. Phase II studies of Antineoplastons A10 and AS 2-1 (ANP) in children with newly diagnosed diffuse, intrinsic brainstem gliomas. Neuro-Oncology 2007;9:206.

Este no se puede encontar en la publicación Neuro-Oncology. Una búsqueda en google sólo muestra resultados de la página de Burzynski

Burzynski, S.R. The breakthrough in therapy and prevention in medicine of 21st century (5). Genes and aging of the neurons. Geny a starzenie neuronow. Czasopismo Aptekarskie 2007; Nr 3 (159) 27-38.

Sendas búsquedas en google (esta y esta) sólo señalan el sitio de Burzynski y a un post en un foro en

Burzynski, S.R. Targeted Therapy for Brain Tumors. Columbus F, ed. Brain Cancer Therapy and Surgical Interventions. New York (NY); Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2006;77-111.

Este es un capítulo en un libro.

Burzynski, S.R. Aging: Gene silencing or gene activation? Med Hypoth 2005; 64, 201-208.

Esta es una publicación en Med Hypotheses, una revista que sólo publica hipótesis nuevas y especulativas y, si mal no recuerdo, es su política no permitir datos.

Burzynski, S.R. Antineoplastons, An Investigational Cancer Therapy. Townsend Letter for Doctors 1993;3,150-153.

Este parece estar publicado en una revista dedicada a la medicina alternativa que parece ser de divulgación, no de investigación.

Burzynski, S.R, Weaver, R.A., Janicki, T.J., Burzynski, G.S., Szymkowski, B., Acelar, S.S. OT-15. Preliminary results of a phase II study of antineoplastons A10 and AS2-1 (ANP) in adult patients with recurrent mixed gliomas. Presented at the 15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society for Neuro-Oncology; November 16-22, 2010; Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Este, que creo que ya lo mencioné, aparece 2 veces en la lista, una vez en la sección de «Presentaciones» y otra en la de «Publicaciones».

Creo que ya eso nos da una idea.

Sino, podemos ir al sitio de la American Cancer Society que tiene una página dedicada a la terapia con Antineoplastons. No hay evidencia de que funcione:

Most cancer specialists believe there is insufficient evidence to recommend use of antineoplastons except perhaps in the context of clinical trials that will provide reliable information on the safety and effectiveness of this treatment.

Y también se puede leer un poco de la deshonestidad o incompetencia de Burzynski:

During the 1980s, the United States Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) reviewed medical journal articles describing cases of cancer patients whom Dr. Burzynski had treated with antineoplaston therapy. Its report, published in 1990, concludes that, «Despite a substantial number of preliminary clinical studies published by Burzynski and his associates describing outcomes among the patients he treated with Antineoplastons and an attempt at a ‘best case’ review, there is still a lack of valid information to judge whether this treatment is likely to be beneficial to cancer patients.» The OTA report criticized Burzynski’s research process and noted that his definitions of advanced cancer and of complete and partial cancer remission were not used in accordance with generally accepted definitions. One example they pointed to was a patient said to have had a complete remission after treatment with antineoplastons. The report concluded, however, that this claim was inappropriate because the cancer had been removed by surgery before the antineoplaston treatment was started.

(resumen: dijo que curó a un paciente pero luego se descubrió que éste había recibido cirugía antes del tratamiento con antineoplastons)


While many articles have been published and dozens of clinical trials against many types of cancer have been ongoing at Dr. Burzynski’s clinic for several years, there have not been any randomized controlled trials—the type of study that is required for new anticancer drugs to be approved by the FDA and recommended by conventional oncologists.

Es decir, no hay ni un solo ensayo randomizado.