Responder a: ¿Es el Movimiento Zeitgeist un movimiento pseudocientífico?


No es tan sencillo como «que lo dicen». Se hacen experimentos. No es chamuyo o invento de algunos locos.

A saber:

También conozco un pequeño paper del MIT y de la Universidad de California sobre el desempeño del incentivo monetario en una serie de tareas.

«The standard model of labor is one in which
individuals trade their time and energy in return for
monetary rewards. Building on Fiske’s relational theory
(1992), we propose that there are two types of markets
that determine relationships between effort and payment:
monetary and social. We hypothesize that monetary
markets are highly sensitive to the magnitude of compen-
sation, whereas social markets are not. This perspective
can shed light on the well-established observation that
people sometimes expend more effort in exchange for no
payment (a social market) than they expend when they
receive low payment (a monetary market). Three exper-
iments support these ideas. The experimental evidence
also demonstrates that mixed markets (markets that in-
clude aspects of both social and monetary markets) more
closely resemble monetary than social markets.»

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