Healing Herald

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    • #29439

      No sabía si poner esto bajo la categoría humor o qué. Este sitio reporta que finalmente, Dios se acordó de los amputados:

      The man in the video lost his leg in a car accident and, as people prayed for him, new flesh started to appear! In the video Caleb says that the leg grew out about 2 or 3 inches. The translator, John, in the video had also previously received some new growth on one of his missing fingers (not pictured here). After prayer John was also able to see some shadows out of his glass eye ball!!

      La última frase es buenísima, ahora también puede ver con el ojo de vidrio! 😯

      Hay material para entretenerse un rato largo si tienen tiempo de dar una vuelta por las diferentes páginas.


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